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Create a drop with configurable sets of rare and common items.

Updated this week

Serendipity allows you to create multi-asset claim experiences by configuring % probability of multiple items.

Check out an example:

The app lets you define tiers such as “Common,” “Uncommon,” and “Rare,” and set the specific percentage probabilities for minting each tier and the items within them.

For example, you can set a “Common” tier to have an 97.5% minting probability, where one of three uploaded media assets is randomly minted. An “Uncommon” tier might have a 2% probability, and a “Rare” tier could be minted only 0.5% of the time.

You can configure:

  • Number of name of tiers

  • Percentage (%) probability of each tier

  • Specify token or tokens within each tier

In addition to standard claim page configurations, you can set:

  • Start and end date

  • Max number of available tokens (limited or unlimited)

  • Token price (paid or free)

  • Page URL (slug)

The collector experience is familiar to a standard Manifold Claim Page.

Interested? Reach out to us at [email protected]

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